Alternating CQs on two or more frequencies on the same band is not permitted.Ĥ.3.3. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.Ĥ.3.4. Violation of the band change rules will reclassify the entry as a checklog.Ĥ.4.1. May have only one transmitted signal per band mode (160 CW, 160 Phone, 80 CW, 80 Phone, 40 CW, 40 Phone, 20 CW, 20 Phone, 15 CW, 15 Phone, 10 CW, 10 Phone) at the same time.Ĥ.4.2. All stations involved in an HQ operation must be in a single ITU zone.Ĥ.4.3. Only one HQ station callsign per member society per band mode is permitted (160 CW, 160 Phone, 80 CW, 80 Phone, 40 CW, 40 Phone, 20 CW, 20 Phone, 15 CW, 15 Phone, 10 CW, 10 Phone).Ĥ.4.4. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.ĥ.1. IARU member society HQ stations send signal report and official IARU member society abbreviation. The “10 minute clock” starts when a QSO is logged.Ĥ.3.2. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any given time. Multi Operator, Single Transmitter, Mixed Mode OnlyĤ.3.1. Must remain on a band and mode for at least 10 minutes before changing bands or modes. Phone only – High, Low and QRP power levelsĤ.2.1.2. CW only – High, Low, and QRP Power levelsĤ.2.1.3. Mixed mode – High, Low and QRP Power levelsĤ.2.2. One person performs all operating and logging functions.Ĥ.2.3. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.Ĥ.2.4. Single operator stations are allowed only one transmitted signal at any given time.Ĥ.3. Single-operator stations that use spotting nets, packet or multi-channel decoders will be reclassified to the applicable Single Operator Unlimited category.Ĥ.1.4. All operators must observe the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times.Ĥ.1.5. Single operator stations are allowed only one transmitted signal at any given time.Ĥ.2.1.1. Phone only – High, Low and QRP power levelsĤ.1.1.2. CW only – High, Low, and QRP Power levelsĤ.1.1.3. Mixed mode – High, Low and QRP Power levelsĤ.1.2. One person performs all operating and logging functions.Ĥ.1.3. Use of spotting nets, packet, or multi-channel decoders (such as CW Skimmer) is not permitted.

Both Single and Multi operator stations may operate the entire 24-hour period.Ĥ.1.1.1.
Learn MoreĢ. Object: To contact as many other amateurs, especially IARU member society HQ stations, around the world as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands.ģ. Date and Contest Period: The second full weekend of July, beginning 1200 UTC Saturday and ending 1159 UTC Sunday ( July 14-15, 2018). 1. Eligibility: All licensed amateurs worldwide.